“even the best laid plans turn to hell when exposed to reality”
Love this quote and as the first few months of 2022 fly by l am reminded that ‘life is a continuous process of adjustment’. For me, flexibility and adaptation of life’s balance is always needed both personally and professionally. Clay especially, has taught me the art of letting go which for my old personality would have driven me to express many versions of my favourite word. When 2022 started, l felt so organised and one step ahead in both life and my studio/business. I had my bags packed and all the paperwork complete for my trip down under. Covid restrictions had meant all travel explorations were kept local and now with restrictions lifted I was on my first international flight to a warmer climate and to finally see my 90 year old mum after two years separation…actual face to face contact rather than virtual reality. Don’t get me wrong, this virtual connection helped ease the feeling of abandonment and helplessness inflicted by the separation of covid for many with older relatives, but nothing beats being there in person. In the studio l had cleaned, reorganised, posted orders, updated my website and even made a new series of mugs that were left to nicely dry to be bisque fired on my return.
This trip made me anxious which normally l don’t experience as l tend to be a “what’s the problem and how do l fix it” kinda gal. But there were many new rules and regulations along with apps to download and populate! For this first launch back into international travel in two years since covid made its grand entrance, l even enlisted the help of a travel agent to help me navigate my way through the minefield of booking. While that was going on, I was getting jabbed getting my Canadian vaccinations and paperwork/apps translated into acceptable Australian paperwork and apps, then lastly my PCR test (3-day prior) for travel. Waiting for the results is by far the most nerve racking experience, but 24 hrs later l had a negative test which gave me the green light to leave one country, board a plane and land in another! Packing was not an issue as l tend to travel light and had this finished a week prior to travel.
Needless to say the trip all worked out and l arrived safely at my destination and it was so great to finally reconnect with loved ones again. However, like that quote my plans went to hell after only 4 days, when my poor mum fell and fractured her pelvis in several places….and before l knew it we were in the same town but still separated by Covid. Now, 5 weeks later my trip is extended and mum is out of hospital and thankfully l am here to help her transition back home and independent living. So while l am enjoying the warm climate and being quite busy l am really starting to miss my husband, daughter, pets, studio and creating! l am aware that my new range is patiently waiting for their bisque and glaze fire…the reality of life and running a small business is never boring.
So however you cope with the curve balls life throws, may you come out the other side and still be able to laugh, love and of course eat, drink and be merry!