“meraki – to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself into your work.”
Wow, just a big thank-you to everyone for your ongoing support and loving what l make as much as l do. It truly has been a huge year where l continue to learn so much in the world of my craft and in the world of business. Not quite sure how Christmas happened - but all my well laid out plans (who am l kidding?) seem to have come and gone and in a blink it is the day before Christmas.
My work is really my meraki. The way l create sees me lose myself completely in my work, and happily so, and everyday some would say necessities seem to fly from my consciousness. Looking back over the year is always interesting to see how some designs have evolved, new ones started and how Hell Wench has grown.
Things will be a little quiet from me over January as l take a break to visit family and work on some new ideas for 2022, but l appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the new pieces as they evolve.
Wishing you a wonderful, safe and happy holidays however you choose to celebrate!